Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What Happened Last Night

The night at the diner was awesome, and I can’t wait to have that official second date with Luke (even though we’ve essentially gone out a lot already). We walked back to my apartment and I offered that he could “go upstairs for a bit”, which he gladly accepted. He hadn’t even put down my backpack when he started kissing me right after I locked my door, shoving me against it and starting out like a big raging fire. I tried to match the heat, but I think he won that time. Him merely kissing me like that turned me on big time. Then he noticed he still had the backpack and he quickly let it slide down his shoulder, and he laughed at himself in between ravaging me which made me laugh too.

“Sorry about that,” he said once he had calmed himself down (quite disappointingly, really). “I just can’t stop thinking about kissing you like that.”

I blushed and muttered a “thanks, I guess” and walked towards my couch which was too big for one but too tiny for two. He followed and sat beside me. Being so close without being physically distracted had renewed my plant potential.

“I really like it when you blush like that. You look so cute and pretty,” he muttered, tucking a loose lock of hair behind my ear, and then leaning in for another kiss. This time it was sweet and gentle. And it was on a different level of turn on from earlier and at the same time almost with the same intensity. He tugged at me and I ended up straddling him at some point, not really knowing how I got there. But when things got really heated (both of our shirts were on the floor), he pulled away and practically begged for us to stop.

I was so disappointed and felt really, really embarrassed. I thought I was coming on way too strong, but then it wasn’t long enough before I felt really, really happy. “I, uh, really want this to happen, Samantha. But I don’t want it to be just any other casual thing. I really want to do this right.”

“Um, yeah. Sure.” That was the most awkward response I had ever managed to come up with as I tried to busy myself looking for my shirt. But he seemed fine with it.

“I, uh, can stay for some really hot make out session though, if you won’t kick me out.” He said after a while. He grinned at me fake-naughtily, and I had to laugh. That was some way to ease up the tension.

He ended up spending the night at my apartment which was a bit funny because he didn’t have extra clothes with him and all I had to offer was an oversized white tee that had a huge teddy bear face print in the front. He looked so adorable in it. We cuddled together on my bed (which was not built for two people to share in) until I had fallen asleep.

I woke up the next day with a note at my bedside table that said:

Had to go home and change into my uniform. I’ll call you about that date.–L

When I walked out of my bedroom, the smell of eggs, toast, and fresh coffee greeted me with a sticky note on the coffee maker that said “Hope you don’t mind me going through your food stash!” I was smiling ear to ear until the end of the day, despite learning how cleaning the basement can literally stop your heart and kill you in a way similar to drowning (Infectious Diseases are a nightmare to learn, people!).


  1. Hi! Just found your blog! Sam and Luke are getting so cute together! Can't wait to read more! Keep up the good work :)

    1. Thanks! I'm still working on the next post, got quite busy at school. See you then! :)

    2. Can't wait!! Good luck with school also :)

  2. I just found it too! I'm so sad I'm already caught up. How often do you post? I love Luke btw!

    1. I'm still also working on a doable posting schedule. I tried MWF, but then I realized I couldn't keep that up. Haha! And thanks, I love Luke, too! :D

    2. Mk I'll be looking forward to the next post =]

  3. I'm new, too. I like this story. More please!

  4. Just finished all posts in one sitting. Need more. 11 days since this post! You didn't stop, did you??

    1. No, just got tied up with school stuff! I am posting ASAP
