Saturday, March 8, 2014

Author's Apologies

I'm very sorry about not posting this week. I thought I could write in between exams since I had four days vacant in between two sets of exams (a block and the finals). But I overestimated myself and it turns out my body needs sleep, too. I'm actually in the middle of a panicky cramming session for finals next week and just remembered I left a blog hanging here. I'm actually too out of it right now and I think I'm rambling.

I am sincerely sorry about my erratic posts. I did try to stick to it though. But then, I am now trashing my schedule as I can't stick to it religiously anyways. Will figure it out later on. Sorry for letting you down, guys. I just have a lot on my plate right now. Will post soon enough. Hope you'd still read it when it goes up. :(

On another note, I would like to share other similar blogs that I have been reading, as well, to sort of make up for not posting here.


  1. Take your time. Hope things get better for you.

    In the meantime, we have started up a really progressive blog that some of you might like to get it on. You can find it at Hope you like it!

  2. Ahh I'm dieingfor an update! Hope things slow down for you soon! =] I'll keep checking back. I'm during to see how she reacts to the big l word

  3. When are you going to update???? Don't leave us hanging! :)

  4. I just finished my finals and I will be posting some time this week, you guys! Thanks for hanging in there!

    1. Can't wait! Definitely looking forward to it.

  5. If you're interested in any others, I just started one too that's starting off great!

  6. Ladies, you can still check us out at New posts every single day!

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